Baylor stands apart as a Christian research university, believing that all truth is God’s truth, fully open to inquiry and debate within the free marketplace of ideas that top-tier academic institutions foster.

A Preeminent Christian Research University
Baylor University’s vision affirms that the world needs a preeminent research university that is unambiguously Christian. In 2021, Baylor was recognized as an R1 research institution, a significant benchmark in the University's continued focus and investment in research at the highest levels. Through top-tier research and scholarship, R1 universities bring their voice to bear in addressing our world’s most meaningful challenges. As Baylor achieves preeminence as a Christian research university, it enables researchers from throughout the University to infuse the quest for solutions, at the highest levels, with Baylor’s distinct voice and mission.
Research News
Read More NewsBaylor faculty continue to advance materials science solutions following in the footsteps of this Baylor Alum’s contributions to space science and modern computing
Baylor researchers serve as vital research voice at the intersection of technology and people.
Baylor researchers work collaboratively to solve complex problems facing our world through high-level sustainability research.
Baylor research underscores importance of generous campus culture
Baylor research examines how parental identity shapes education spending, challenges cultural stereotypes.
Chris Jaeger’s research addresses a core issue in tort law: how lay jurors interpret the idea of “reasonableness.”
Baylor study finds 46 extra minutes of sleep boosts gratitude and resilience.
Research seeks to elimate "zombie cells" to improve muscle health after chemotherapy.